A dog named Kӧlsch


My first best friend, Kolsch



Everyone remembers their first pet.  Mine was Kӧlsch (pronounced: coal-sh).  A very smart and playful German Shepherd mix.  He was an inseparable addition to our family. Adopted from the Kentucky Humane Society in 2008, he was what my mom would call, “her first child”.  From the moment he bounded into my parent’s lives, his infectious energy and loving nature brightened their every day even during the most difficult of times. Since I was born, not only has he been my loyal companion, but my best friend. 

Kӧlsch had a very energetic spirit, which was evident in his constant presence.  It was the look on his face, his anticipation of the play - you could see the thought running through his head, “Throw the ball!”. He was a great outfielder when my brother and I were learning how to hit a baseball, Kӧlsch would catch and then run the ball back to home plate.  He would jump to eat bubbles.  He could catch anything thrown to him.  He was almost as fast as a bunny (lucky bunny, too).  He knew his toys by name, and would bring you the one you asked for.  I can still hear his joyful barks and see his tail wagging furiously as he reveled in these simple pleasures.

Throughout his life, Kӧlsch was a very, very happy dog.  It was our mission in our family, to keep him safe, healthy and always loved.  Regrettably, after 14 wonderful years of Kӧlsch providing laughter and joy to our home, we had to bid farewell to him in July 2022, leaving an irreplaceable void in our lives. In dedication to his endless playful spirit and my unwavering love for animals, I made a heartfelt decision to initiate a non-profit organization.  Thus, in September 2022, the idea of Kӧlsch’s Kanines came to mind, I had a noble mission - to help less funded shelters and rescue organizations by providing them with extra supplies to keep their furry friends happy.  Little did I know then, how this idea would evolve.

In loving honor of Kӧlsch Murdocca


The National Civics Bee